About Marci

Hi, I’m Marci Trachter
New Beginnings
My studies and my own health transformation have taught me how interconnected the mind and body are.
What you feed yourself, including food, thoughts, and expectations all greatly impact your bodily functions, including and especially your digestion and your
ability to cope with stress.
I am aligned with my life purpose, and I can unite my passion and purpose.
A little more about me
I am thrilled and grateful to be able to educate and share the valuable knowledge I have learned. I will inspire and guide women of a ‘certain age’ to stay strong, vibrant, and healthy.
Our bodies have an amazing capacity to restore and repair themselves and everyone – even those diagnosed with ‘illnesses,’ can achieve balance if provided the right tools.
How do I decompress?
During my spare time, I enjoy the outdoors which includes cycling, walking and hiking with my dog, Mojo. When I travel I try to include cycling everywhere I go.
I also love hanging out with my wonderful husband of 30+ years and my 3 great, smart and fiercely independent kind kids and their partners. I’m so proud of them and they are so much fun.
My Last perfect day off?
Walking my dog, reading, listening to music, and being with good friends.
What would you tell your 15-year-old self?
If only I had known… I’d tell her to relax!
Last thing I learned about myself?
That have to be stronger than our excuses and we have to make sure to take time for treasuring our body
and soul, no matter what!
One of your biggest AHA realizations?
Not everybody is trying to be a better person!
Current guilty pleasure?
Black liquorice and binging on TV Series while walking on my treadmill. Making delicious, ridiculous soups.
Worst Habit?
Impatience that causes me to want to control.- which isn’t always cool
What I will never do again?
Snowboard – my butt and knees did not like it .. Thank goodness for skiing and snowshoeing
How do I eat pie?
Warm but not too warm with ice cream on the side
Have you stayed true to yourself?
It’s taken me a while to do this, but I think I’m in pretty solid possession of this. In fact it’s a giant priority of mine – it’s everything.. the feeling of ..when you sleep at night –– you know who you are, you feel good about decisions, the people in your life and you don’t give your power away.
Bonus Question
When was the last time you sang out loud?
This morning!
What Can I Do For You?
Let me help you take control of your health! I am committed to identifying the very best resources and through my continued research, education, and true desire to ask questions and find answers, I am committed to you in partnership to finding optimal health.
With my zest for life, positive attitude and giving spirit, I love sharing what I know about the science of nutrition with my clients.
My hope is that you feel empowered by our relationship and embrace the food and lifestyle changes that can improve your health and well-being.
What I Do for Healthy Nutrition?
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