Hello I’m a Certified Holistic Nutritionist​

Marci Trachter​

Balancing Health – Adding Life to Your Years

Get in touch and change your life for the better.

My Journey As A Holistic Nutritionist.​

I’ve struggled with digestive issues my entire life. As a child, it manifested as indigestion and ‘bad’ breath which continued throughout my teenage years. Hay Fever and seasonal allergies knocked me out each Spring and Fall. My doctor told me to drink milk to neutralize the stomach acid and prescribed injections for my allergies.

I grew up on fast food and when my mom took me to the supermarket, I honestly had no idea what those colourful foods could be that I saw in other people’s carts, or that they might even be good for you – fruits and vegetables were not staples in our house!

In University, I often felt there was something stuck in my throat. The doctor said there was nothing there and that I was just anxious, so he prescribed anxiety meds.

I continued to limit my food choices because of my constant indigestion. Even water sometimes gave me heartburn. Many tests and several years on prescription PPI’s later, the heartburn symptoms were managed but I still didn’t feel great.

I enjoyed a successful 25 year, high-stress career in marketing and advertising while raising three beautiful kids with my great husband and partner but I knew I needed to make changes, physically, mentally, and spiritually, if I was to bring my body into balance and take control of my own health.

I read, listened, and learned everything I could about the burgeoning field of Wellness and ultimately decided to follow my passion by going back to school for a formal certification as a Holistic Nutritional Practitioner.

I solidified my knowledge around getting and staying healthy; today, I have never felt better or been healthier. I only suffer very intermittent indigestion, and mild seasonal allergies and no longer need medication for these symptoms.

I graduated the 3-year intensive course at The Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Toronto, with first class honours, and am so very grateful to be able to reimagine my professional life in this new realm of communication.

My professional focus is on improving the lives of women by educating them about how they can maximize their health and life-quality as they learn to embrace their best years. My goal is to provide them with the critical information that will promote a sense of physical and emotional well-being.

In my earlier corporate career, I promoted what I now know are unhealthy products, to moms and their kids. We advertised and extolled the virtues of sugar coated cereals, unhealthy “treats” and other highly processed foods.
I am now proud to say that I’m part of the solution to wellness, not part of the problem. This is a dream come true for me.

I love what I do – and I’m good at i

What Can I Do For You?​

Let me help you take control of your health!
I am committed to identifying the very best resources,
through my continued research, education,
and true desire to ask questions and find answers.

I love sharing what I know about the science of nutrition with my clients.
My hope is that you feel empowered by our relationship and embrace
the food and lifestyle changes that will improve your health and well-being.

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become”. Carl Jung

Nutrition Coaching​

If we are what we eat, why do we keep eating so poorly?​ Getting the right nutritional balance will make you feel like a new person

Lose Weight​

Get off of the diet rollercoaster.
Learn to love your body the way it is while optimizing the fuel it runs on.

Cooking Resources​

Healthy eating can be easy.
Let’s make a plan together.

Hormonal Balance​​​

Helping you navigate through menopause and beyond. Achieving hormonal balance is critical to living the life you love.

Functional Testing​

You can’t change what you don’t measure. Get the (w)holistic picture on what’s at the root of your symptoms.

What People Are Saying​

Marci’s professionalism, zest for life, positive attitude and giving spirit, helped transform my life.